
可拼固体水彩颜料 24色


可拼固体水彩颜料 24色


  • 鲜艳的、具有高覆盖力的不透明固体颜料制作
  • 适用于各种绘画和综合技法
  • 包括不透明的白色锡管颜料、画笔槽和写名字的调色板
  • 极具创意的可拼砌固体水彩颜料,例如:色环、虚拟的人物图像和形状
  • 盒盖:可在白色区域调色,通过透明区域对比测试自己想要的色彩
  • 可移动的盖子,清洗方便
  • 固体颜料和白色锡管颜料可单独购买

可拼固体水彩颜料 24色

The Connector opaque paint box stands for creative design as well as remarkable functionality and promises playful painting fun. The paint cups can be individually put together and thus support the learning of color theory. The bright colors have a high opacity, can be mixed perfectly and are therefore ideally suited for all techniques and applications in school and leisure. In combination with the foldable Clic&Go water cup, the Connector opaque paint box offers many possibilities for painting, crafting and playing.
