
为孩子们做出的伟大承诺:加入我们,支持人道主义组织 "红铅笔 "及其儿童艺术治疗项目。

Faber-Castell 支持黎巴嫩 "红铅笔 "的艺术疗法

减轻黎巴嫩的痛苦:Faber-Castell 支持 "红铅笔 "为长期患病儿童及其家庭开展的艺术治疗计划
当语言达到极限时,创意设计可以帮助减轻和治愈痛苦。这是总部设在新加坡的人道主义组织 "红铅笔 "的信条。该组织为受自然灾害、暴力、重伤或疾病影响的儿童提供艺术治疗支持,从而帮助他们处理所经历的创伤。在黎巴嫩,"红铅笔 "最近与贝鲁特当地的非营利组织 "Myschoolpulse "合作,成功完成了另一项任务。

Myschoolpulse enables children and young people with life-threatening and long-term illnesses to continue their school education during their hospital stay and still participate in certain extracurricular activities. In recent years, Lebanon has suffered a number of conflicts which have caused economic and social instability, and the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut in 2020 and the aftermath of the Corona pandemic further exacerbated the situation - factors that added anxiety, stress and isolation for the seriously ill children Myschoolpulse cared for. 
To support their work, The Red Pencil developed a new online training format that provided Myschoolpulse staff with knowledge and skills in mental health and art therapy, showing ways to deal with the children in crisis entrusted to their care. In addition, there was an art therapy programme of individual and family and group sessions for affected children and their families. The results of the humanitarian mission in Lebanon: for almost 100 participants, more than 450 online therapy courses and almost 400 individual sessions were initiated, which helped those affected to alleviate traumatic experiences with the help of creative tools and techniques. 
As one of The Red Pencil's long-standing partners, Faber-Castell has also supported this mission by sponsoring it with creative teaching materials and funding: From each "Colour Grip Children of the World" set sold, 0.10 euros benefited The Red Pencil initiative.
The charity set includes double pencils with skin tones as an addition and thus allows the illustration of nuance-rich skin tones. "We are delighted that we were able to support the organisation's important humanitarian work in this way with almost 40,000 euros," says Verena Hafner, Head of Marketing International Playing & Learning and Writing at Faber-Castell. 

More information on The Red Pencil at: https://redpencil.org/

Faber-Castell 秉承 "让儿童发出声音 "的宗旨,支持 "红铅笔人道主义使命"(The Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission)为经历过失落、创伤或危机事件的儿童实施和资助艺术治疗项目。您也可以参与其中:每购买一套 "世界儿童 "彩色铅笔套装,就可以为艺术治疗任务捐献 0.10 欧元。2020 年,Faber-Castell 将为尼泊尔加德满都的一个艺术治疗项目提供支持,该项目将帮助那些被遗弃或被安置在儿童之家和寄养家庭的儿童;此外,Faber-Castell 还将为肯尼亚基贝拉的一个艺术治疗项目提供支持,基贝拉是非洲最大的城市贫民窟,许多家庭每天的生活费不足一美元,那里的儿童往往不得不承受暴力、虐待、忽视和缺乏教育机会等后果。在红铅笔人道主义使团(The Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission)的组织下,这些艺术治疗使儿童能够从创伤性的生活经历中恢复过来,并增强他们的能力,使他们在未来的生活中更具韧性。您想进一步了解红铅笔人道主义使团吗?
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红铅笔组织起源于新加坡。2004 年,印度洋发生海啸,造成 23 万多人丧生。近 20 年来,该组织不断发展壮大,在世界各地发起并实施了多个救援项目。

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当语言达到极限时,创意设计可以帮助人们减轻痛苦和治愈创伤。这是总部设在新加坡的人道主义组织 "红铅笔"(The Red Pencil)的信条,该组织让受到自然灾害、危机地区创伤或长期住院影响的儿童从艺术治疗中获益。
2020 年 9 月,"红铅笔 "在肯尼亚首都内罗毕西南部启动了一个试点项目:在非洲最大的城市贫民窟之一基贝拉(Kibera),50 万人挤在简陋的棚屋里,生活条件极其恶劣。赤贫、健康问题、失业、暴力和犯罪是居民日常生活的特点。这也影响到许多儿童和青少年,他们往往被剥夺了受教育的机会。COVID-19 的爆发加剧了贫困街区的状况,同时也使得在当地直接执行任务变得不可能。

However, to keep supporting the work of the locally based NGOs "The Turning Point Trust" and "Uweza Foundation" with more than 500 children and young people, The Red Pencil developed an online training programme. Its goal: to familiarise the organisations' staff – teachers, youth workers, football coaches, counsellors, mentors and educational support staff – with art therapy methods and techniques that help them cope with traumatic experiences and achieve mental health. The next step is for them to be able to pass these skills on to the children when they return to their school and group activities after the pandemic.

The feedback from the staff in Kibera has been overwhelmingly positive. They had previously been isolated in their homes for many months due to the strict COVID-19 rules and curfews in Kenya. Their joy at being allowed to try out the creative materials and use them to find new ways to express their feelings through art was heart-warming. 
As a long-time partner of The Red Pencil, Faber-Castell supported this pilot project with both funding and creative teaching materials. More information about The Red Pencil at https://redpencil.org/


肯尼亚基贝拉的红色铅笔:肯尼亚 - 基贝拉色彩任务

Faber-Castell 旨在支持各年龄段的艺术家发展其创造能力,并在绘画时表现出自己的个性。为了加强儿童对自身身份和形象的理解,重要的是让他们能够尽可能准确地描绘自己和自己的肤色。这就是新创作工具背后的理念:世界儿童彩色铅笔套装专为处于成长和寻找自我这一重要阶段的儿童设计。因此,Faber-Castell 支持家长和教师通过游戏进行身份认同和自尊教育,鼓励儿童发展个性,同时培养他们的创造力。


每套世界儿童彩色铅笔都包含三支双头铅笔,有六种肤色。在开发过程中,Faber-Castell 利用了公司化妆品部门的专业知识:铅笔芯以真实的化妆品色调为基础,质地特别柔软。这意味着非常容易混合颜色,年轻的艺术家们有机会描绘出各种不同的肤色。点击此处了解更多有关如何调色的信息和实用技巧

为了确保孩子们在创意探险中获得最佳装备,每套《世界儿童》中不仅包含六种肤色,还包含 Faber-Castell 经典的三角形彩色铅笔或 Colour Grip 彩色铅笔,有 10 到 24 种颜色可供选择。它们符合人体工程学原理的三角形设计,从一开始就能减轻小手的压力,从而确保孩子们在绘画和书写时充满自信,不知疲倦。由于采用了安全粘合工艺,铅笔芯不易断裂,并含有特别发光的颜料--在纸上更加亮丽。

活生生的企业传统:Faber-Castell 社会宪章

作为一个具有悠久传统的品牌和一个活跃于全球的家族企业,我们拥有悠久的价值观文化,平等和文化多样性对我们来说是理所当然的。这些价值观是 Faber-Castell 社区无处不在的一部分:自 2000 年 3 月起,Faber-Castell 社会宪章适用于所有国际公司。该宪章明确禁止任何形式的歧视,并明确倡导平等待遇,不论肤色、性别、宗教、种族和国籍。一个独立委员会定期监督协议的遵守情况。
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